Scouting is for adults too!
It is designed to be fun for both the young and old as well as being adventurous and exciting for everyone. Volunteers don’t have to be “superheroes” who know everything – we provide training and support to help you learn new skills too.
Having people positive role models to guide the way, and give that extra bit of encouragement is so important in times like these. We help young people step up, speak and find their place in the world. We help them gain skills for life.
The 12th Hampstead Scout Group is a vibrant, pro active group with a committed leadership team – but we are ALWAYS looking for extra help. The aim of the 12th Hampstead Scout Group has always been to make Scouting a fun, adventurous and exciting activity for the Beavers, Cubs and Scouts. Of course, in order to do this, we need adults to carry out various functions, planning activities, cooking meals on camp and a myriad other tasks.
So if you would like to be part of a fun and rewarding experience and make new friends, build confidence and self esteem and never be bored, please contact us to find out more. No two weeks are the same, but the impact you make is always great.
No matter if you can only spare a couple of hours a month, or if you can occasionally help on day trips or camps or even with admin then please get in touch and support this rapidly growing, adventurous and supportive Scout Group with over 90 young members across all three sections from Beavers to Scouts.
You may like to visit the District page to find out more.